1. Effects of spectral and temporal disruption on cortical encoding of ...
We explored the effect of disrupting the spectral or temporal content of five different gerbil call types on neural responses in the awake gerbil's primary ...
Animal communication sounds contain spectrotemporal fluctuations that provide powerful cues for detection and discrimination. Human perception of speech is influenced both by spectral and temporal acoustic features but is most critically dependent ...

2. Why getting in touch with our 'gerbil brain' - EurekAlert!
7 mei 2024 · Macquarie University researchers have debunked a 75-year-old theory about how humans determine where sounds are coming from.
Macquarie University researchers have debunked a 75-year-old theory about how humans determine where sounds are coming from, and it could unlock the secret to creating a next generation of more adaptable and efficient hearing devices ranging from hearing aids to smartphones.
3. Exploring binaural hearing in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) using ...
10 apr 2017 · The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) has become a key species in investigations of the neural processing of sound localization cues ...
The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) has become a key species in investigations of the neural processing of sound localization cues in mammals. While its sound localization has been tested extensively under free-field stimulation, many ...

4. Why getting in touch with our 'gerbil brain' could help machines listen ...
7 mei 2024 · Macquarie University researchers have debunked a 75-year-old theory about how humans determine where sounds are coming from, and it could unlock ...
Researchers have debunked a 75-year-old theory about how humans determine where sounds are coming from, and it could unlock the secret to creating a next generation of more adaptable and efficient hearing devices ranging from hearing aids to smartphones.

5. Gerbils hear the light | Lab Animal - Nature
24 aug 2018 · Some would fire once despite repeated pulses—a problem for perceiving continuous sounds—but others continued to fire on repetitive stimulation.
Lab Animal - Gerbils hear the light
6. Unsupervised discovery of family specific vocal usage in the ... - eLife
28 okt 2024 · Here, we made continuous 20-day audio recordings from three separate gerbil families (2 parents, 4 pups) in an enlarged home cage that was ...
The field of ethology contains rich descriptions of complex behavioral actions, including a wealth of species-specific vocal repertoires. However, natural observations are often incomplete due to limitations in physical access for experimenter observation or behavioral recording. This can be particularly severe for family behaviors which occur in protected or remote environments, such as burrows in the case of fossorial rodent species like naked mole-rats and Mongolian gerbils (Brett 1986; Scheibler 2006). Some of these limitations have been addressed with laboratory environments that partially recapitulate real-world features (Shemesh & Chen 2023). However, these studies generally focused on relatively short periods of data collection that consider single animals or dyads with no prior social relationship.
7. How the Mongolian gerbil may help speed recovery of a rare inner ear ...
17 feb 2023 · How the Mongolian gerbil may help speed recovery of a rare inner ear problem ... sound is delivered in a closed field to the ear with SSCD.
To patients of P. Ashley Wackym, a surgical otologist-neurotologist at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, a diagnosis of superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) can feel like a death sentence.

8. Unsupervised discovery of family specific vocal usage in the ... - eLife
28 okt 2024 · A key strength of the study is the use of a behavioral paradigm which allows for long term audio recordings under naturalistic conditions. This ...
Revised: This Reviewed Preprint has been revised by the authors in response to the previous round of peer review; the eLife assessment and the public reviews have been updated where necessary by the editors and peer reviewers.
9. Mini-Gerbil connection problem - #5 by bernd.dk - GRBL
5 jan 2021 · Oz, Linux will also not be known by my Mini-Gerbil (and vice versa). ... The experiment today is with a windows 10, 64 bit and LightBurn 09.20.
Oz, Linux will also not be known by my Mini-Gerbil (and vice versa). Is there really no one who has had the same problem? This is today the fifth computer I have tried, but with this comes at least the familiar usb device sound when I turn on power to my laser … but - “device cannot start, error 10 …” The experiment today is with a windows 10, 64 bit and LightBurn 09.20. For those who come up with the solution, a huge delicious draft beer is waving - may the corona have passed away. ...

10. What are these symptoms? | The Gerbil Forum - ProBoards
Meer resultaten van gerbilforum.proboards.com
Woke up this morning and Mum gerbil is making a strange sort-of sound. Not really 'clicking', but more a 'loud sniffing' sound. When she comes near me it's as if she's making little 'kisses' to me.
11. [PDF] (Meriones unguiculatus) - University of Toledo
Accordingly, the present study provides data on the azimuthal sound localiza- tion acuity of the gerbil and on its ability to localize pure tones at 60* ...
12. Mini-Gerbil connection problem - GRBL - LightBurn Software Forum
5 jan 2021 · ... sound when I turn on power to my laser … but - “device cannot ... The experiment today is with a windows 10, 64 bit and LightBurn 09.20.
I need some sparring. My Mini-Gerbil will no longer connect to my windows computer. When I thought it was due to my old Windows 7 computer I bought another one with Windows 10 but no luck. I have tested 3 functioning usb cables on all usb ports - no contact. Because I am reasonably good at computers, I have tried to find a solution myself but am about to capitulate after over a week of intense struggle. The new Windows 10 computer also does not respond when I put the usb cable in any of the p...

13. [PDF] Heterogeneous spatial tuning in the auditory pathway of the Mongolian ...
17 jun 2024 · Probes were placed under an angle of 60 for A1 and MGB. 2.2 | Experimental setup. The animal was placed in a double-walled, sound- attenuated ( ...
14. Housing and husbandry: Gerbil - NC3Rs
23 jul 2021 · Minimum enclosure sizes for gerbils in European research ... sound). When housed in stable groups, under appropriate conditions, aggression ...
Information to help refine the housing and husbandry of the laboratory gerbil.

15. Speech Sound Discrimination by Mongolian Gerbils - bioRxiv
10 dec 2021 · ... experiments with the gerbils were presented at a SNR of -7 dB SPL. ... If the noise level is further increased, the error rate goes from ...
The present study establishes the Mongolian gerbil ( Meriones unguiculatus ) as a model for investigating the perception of human speech sounds. We report data on the discrimination of logatomes (CVCs1 - consonant-vowel-consonant combinations with outer consonants /b/, /d/, /s/ and /t/ and central vowels /a/, /a:/, /ε/, /e:/, /I/, /i:/, /ɔ/, /o:/, /℧/ and /u:/, VCVs2 - vowel-consonant-vowel combinations with outer vowels /a/, /I/ and /℧/ and central consonants /b/, /d/, /f/, /g/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /p/, /s/, /t/ and /v/) by young gerbils. Four young gerbils were trained to perform an oddball target detection paradigm in which they were required to discriminate a deviant CVC or VCV in a sequence of CVC or VCV standards, respectively. The experiments were performed with an ICRA-1 noise masker with speech-like spectral properties, and logatomes of multiple speakers were presented at various signal-to-noise ratios. Response latencies were measured to generate perceptual maps employing multidimensional scaling, which visualize the gerbils’ internal representations of the sounds. The dimensions of the perceptual maps were correlated to multiple phonetic features of the speech sounds for evaluating which features of vowels and consonants are most important for the discrimination. The perceptual representation of vowels and consonants in gerbils was similar to that of humans, although gerbils needed higher signal-to-noise ratios for the discrimination of speech sounds than humans. T...

16. 5 Gerbil Sounds & Their Meanings (With Audio) - PangoVet
1 aug 2024 · The sound a gerbil makes is usually an indicator of how they are feeling at that particular moment or a response to stimuli in their environment.
The sounds your gerbil makes could mean a number of things. We breakdown the 5 gerbil sounds and what they might be trying to tell you.

17. [PDF] Hearing Research - University of Rochester Medical Center
... Sound-localization ability of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus..., Hearing. Research (2010), doi:10.1016/j.heares.2010.12.006. Page 2. studies ...